Friday, January 31, 2020
Multi-Perspective Approach to Understanding Organization Essay Example for Free
Multi-Perspective Approach to Understanding Organization Essay What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multi-perspective approach to understanding organization? In answering the question you will need to engage with the nature of the various perspectives and how they enable and limit our understanding of organization. There are different ways in how people produce different knowledge and thus many people have come out with their own concepts and theories. This results in multiple perspectives that help to generate idea about different organization and organizing. The more knowledge of multiple perspectives, concepts and theories, the greater will be your capacity to choose a better approach with regards to the problems faced in your current company. Multi perspective is created as belief, assumptions and knowledge of the world influence how researchers carry out their research and manage their organization. What you do is to assume which approach does best for your industries and organization and for that you design and amend accordingly to be the best way to of optimizing man power and profit. The benefits of a multi-perspective approach would be (cited from page 11) multiple perspectives will also help organization embrace complexity and uncertainty and their contradictory demands. Managers and employees now are expected to do more with less, to maximize both short term gain and long term investment, and be more efficient as well as more humane and ethical. By confronting such a variety of contradictory forces demands the broadest set of concept and theories that your mind can grasp. Secondly, people raised question about the nature of ethical action and manager’s face when trying to act in socially and organization responsible ways. The advantages of using multiple perspective helps people aware of the assumption and values underlying your theory and practices, which in turn should make you more conscious of your reason for doing things and better able to understand the reason behind the action taken by others. Being able to reflect on your own reasoning process a nd compare them you will develop ethical awareness. Thirdly, if you learn about multiple perspective, you will be able to understand how different perspectives influence the way you and others experience by interpreting and shape organization realities. You will become a more effective member of any organization to join. Let me evaluate with the two important philosophical choices of ontology and epistemology. Ontology concerns our assumtion about reality which you dont question whether all this things are real or have an existence undependent because of you (cited from pg12) pjilosphers sometimes refers to these as existential question because they attribute existence to one set of things(reality) but not to another (unreal). Which means that you carry out task upon your own perspective only, while you disregard other perspective. The disadvantages will be it will lead to arguments between those who maintain different perspectives and cause them to set up seperate and conflicting mates. This is a major concerns as people have been always living in their own world and never care of other peoples feeling which causes conflict around their organization and families. People experience different things as what they do everyday or even their personalities are different from other peoople we call this term subjectivist. Whereas Objectivist is different, theybelieve that what reality exist independently of those who lives in it, people also reacted to what is happening around them in predictable ways because their behaviour is part of the material world in which they live is determined by causes (cited from page 12). Example, if you are hoping to own a european car and the behaviour in which you have to work hard to pay for it is determined by wanting to own the car. Epistemology whereas is concerned with knowing how you can know. Epistemology is closely related to ontology because the anwsers to there questions depend on and help to forge assumptions about the nature of reality. This two terms determined the three major multiple perspective approach to understanding organisation. Usually the three multiple perspectives can be comparable using these two variables ontology and epistemology. Modernism is usually objectivism, you must limit commit to limiting what you count as knowledge to what you can know through your five senses. Results can be taken again if steps of the procedure is followed again using the five senses and the respective sense-enhancing devices. Modernist organization theorist also believes that if they can get whole of the complete knowledge by understanding how and why organisations function the way they do and how their function is influence by different environment conditions. Therefore to get a modernist perspective effective organisation is to being able to balace internal and external pressures, develop core competencies, increase efficiency and versertile to changes. The theories that influence modernist are general system theory, socio-technical systems theory and contingency theory. General system theory is to understand and grasp the concept of system and it characteristics of the company, which it can also mutually interrelated into parts called subsystem for easier understanding of each process. By using differentiation it provides the system with the benefits of specialization. To put into simpler terms a organisation if want to use the general system theory, that means that they will divide the units and departments and each department with the benefits of specialization. For socio-technical theory, they focus on a number of humanistic issues, by treating organisation as a social system, the social and psychological consequence of work design, the importance of the work group compared to the individual and the need for a division of labour that considers increasing rather than decreasing the variety of work skills and task. Socio-technical theory also suggest that self-managed teams should be the building blocks of organizational design and that could lessen the need for hierarchy form of organisation. Whereas for contingency theory, theorist will try to identify the key contingencies in each situation and try to determine the best fits between them, this theory have remain very popular among companies because they take seductive form of recipes for success.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Chester Himes’ If He Hollers Let Him Go and God’s Little Acre by Erskin
Chester Himes’ If He Hollers Let Him Go and God’s Little Acre by Erskine Caldwell It has long been contested that works of great Literature have certain qualities and that they belong to an exclusive canon of works. Value is placed upon them for a number of reasons, including their reflection of cultural or social movements, the special meaning they possess, and even their use of specific narrative elements. Up until recently, scholars and intellectuals would never dream of examining works of lower caliber with any hopes of discovering value or merit. A new movement within intellectual circles, however, has shifted focus onto so-called low-brow novels like Chester Himes’ If He Hollers Let Him Go and God’s Little Acre by Erskine Caldwell. Surprisingly enough, the works of Himes and Caldwell can be held up to the same tests as more canonical works through their appeal to ideological remnants of Romanticism and the Enlightenment, their use of literary devices to create meaning, and the narratives’ use of these devises to enhance the elements of enjoyment and pleasure in reading. According to the history books, the era of Romanticism and the subsequent Enlightenment have long since past, but their far-reaching effects are still evident in literature written in the 20th century. The importance of human merit and worth rooted in Romantic thought has transcended the bounds of time and manifested itself in the novels of Caldwell and Himes through a preoccupation with what it means to be human. In God’s Little Acre, not only are readers prone to question whether or not the Walden family is subhuman because of their problematic behaviors, but the character of Buck remarks that â€Å"God put us in the bodies of animals and ... ...e insight to life or contain certain meanings that the reader must reconstruct in order to evaluate the text fully. Other novels are considered to be noteworthy because they exist within a specific literary movement, or because they reflect cultural change. However much one might argue that Erskine Caldwell’s God’s Little Acre and Chester Himes’ If He Hollers Let Him Go belong at the bottom of the literary ‘stack,’ they nevertheless employ the same concepts and exhibit the same characteristics that turn many other novels into works of ideal greatness. Works Cited Brooks, Peter. Reading for the Plot: Design & Intention in Narrative. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1984. Erskine, Caldwell. God’s Little Acre. New York, NY: New American Library, Inc., 1933. Himes, Chester. If He Hollers Let Him Go. New York, NY: New American Library, Inc., 1945.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Odysseus and Supernatural Beings
Odysseus and Supernatural Beings Throughout Homer's Odyssey, there are many supernatural beings that interact with Odysseus. These beings play an important role as either advisors, temptations or foes to Odysseus. Throughout his journey he is confronted with conflicts where he is either helped or hindered by these supernatural beings. Below are some examples of the beings that either helped or hindered Odysseus during his journey. The goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, is the most powerful intelligent and influential woman in Odysseus’s life. She is always at his side. She speaks on behalf of Odysseus, telling Zeus, her father, that her heart breaks for forlorn Odysseus. Odysseus longs to see the curls of smoke rising from his home fires in Ithaca, she says, but Calypso will not loosen her hold on him. She reminds Zeus that Odysseus dedicated many burnt offerings to him at Troy. Swayed by her words, Zeus sends the messenger god, Hermes, to Calypso’s island with a command to release Odysseus. Athena aids Odysseus in many ways throughout his entire journey, like when she changes the course of events that take place when he first meets the princess Nausicaa of Phaeacia. Athena changes the course of the ball that the girls are throwing so that it falls on Odysseus and wakes him up, leading him to meet Nausicaa. Many times Athena convinces Zeus and the other Gods that Odysseus is worth saving. Perhaps the most formidable foe of Odysseus is the sea god Poseidon, who continually attempts to thwart the efforts of Odysseus to make a safe journey home. On one of Odysseus adventures he angers the great sea god, Poseidon, by blinding his son, Polyphemus, king of a race of one-eyed giants who inhabit the island of Sicily. In retaliation, Poseidon relentlessly torments Odysseus after he leaves Sicily, imperiling his voyage at every turn. He is aware that he cannot kill nor stop Odysseus but continues his efforts to make Odysseus journey throughout the story full of peril. An example of Poseidon’s wrath is seen as soon as he arrives back from Ethiopia and spots Odysseus making passage towards Phaeacia, he says, â€Å"Just look at him there, nearing Phaeacia’s shores where he’s fated to escape his noose of pain that’s held him until now. Still my hopes ride high-I’ll give that man his swamping fill of trouble,†Poseidon attacks Odysseus with a giant wave, and destroys his newly crafted raft. Odysseus survives with the help of the sea nymph Ino . The beautiful goddess Calypso who falls in love with Odysseus after he washes ashore on her island. Calypso, by means of enchantment, holds him prisoner there for seven years. Calypso used trickery and deceit to have possession over Odysseus. She was a beautiful nymph with a wonderful voice. Calypso uses these advantages to get what she wants. Calypso tries to make Odysseus her husband and asks him if he would want to be immortal by staying on the island with her. Odysseus tells her â€Å"I each day I long for home, long for the sight of home†¦. †In the end, the Gods overpower Calypso into letting him go, but she still demonstrates the god's idea as if it was her own. She tells him â€Å"O forlorn man, be still. Here you need grieve no more; you need not feel your life consumed here; I have pondered it, and I shall help you go†¦. In the end, she helps Odysseus after releasing him by providing him a raft and provisions to help him on his way without incident if the gods wish it. In conclusion, Odysseus, a mortal, is both helped and hindered by these supernatural beings. He encounters the wrath of Poseidon numerous times throughout his travels. He was held captive by Calypso on her island while longing for home. The Goddess Athena guided and protected hi m the most throughout his travels. Without the aid of these supernatural beings, the journey of Odysseus would not have been the brave, courageous, and risky adventure that it was.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Fracking Is Essential For The Growth And Development Of...
Hello, I am entirely sure that you do not know who I am, where I live, or whom I aspire to be but I do know that we have more in common than you may think. I come from Northeast Pennsylvania, a terribly underrated and beautiful place that has changed and grown as I have changed and grown up throughout my eighteen years of habitation just like you. I have seen the wonders of four seasons change from dazzling summers, to crisp autumns, to harsh winters, and to fresh springs just like you. I have seen the water trucks come up and down my road, then stopping to fill their tanks at a water station from the Susquehanna River, just minutes from my house just like you. I have fallen in love with where I have come from, but some believe that our†¦show more content†¦But with every situation there are always negative side effects. Fracking, I’m sure as you already know, begins with contact from a gas drilling company that wishes to buy the mineral rights to your land. This has been a very complicated process for many people before, during, and after the rights have been signed. The property owner must take into account that the rights are only for Marcellus Shale, the duration of the lease, and that the company should be held for any damages done amongst many other variables of the process. Once that has been completed, the drilling process may begin. Unfortunately, the drill cannot simply be poked in the ground with natural gas spewing out of the hole that has been created, fracking is much more complex than that as I am sure that you know already. Decades of research, triumphs and failures have gone into the creation, management and use of drilling rigs that, as a result, has left us with the standard fracking procedure we know today. The first step of the fracking process is to find land that will be suitable for fracturing. It must be an area that contains natural gas and is easily accessible to the gas company. Geologists survey the land long before hand and have exact calculations and measurements upon where natural gas is located. After buying the mineral rights from the land-owners a drilling rig is built in a few days along with the well pad. Then, layers of steel pipes are lowered about 1,000
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